How it works

Submit Answers
Complete questions across seven key categories.
Personal AI Mentor
Our AI mentor helps you answer the questions to save you time.
AI & ML Analysis
Responses are benchmarked against successful and unsuccessful startups using our advanced ML model (learn more).
Custom Feedback Report
Receive personalised feedback within 24 hours.
Implement the Feedback
Work with us to implement the feedback with personal one to one sessions.
Pitch Deck Improvements
We analyse your deck and do the changes for you to ensure it stands out and demonstrates your startup true potential.
Pitch Mastery
We work with you on your pitch to make sure you have absolute confidence in knowing how to persuade investors to back your venture.
Guaranteed Pitching Slots
Pitch your startup to at least 5 potential investors.
Next Steps
Sign the term sheet and build your startup.
Feedback Loop
If the interest is not there, there’s nothing to worry about, our network of investors provides detailed feedback.
New Strategy
We’ll create an action plan for you on the back of the feedback, and will guide you on how to implement it in the most resource efficient way.

0% Success Fee

At BiznesFunding, we believe that success fees create a misalignment of interests and put unnecessary financial strain on new businesses. Rather than adding extra costs that cut into vital funding, we focus on delivering exceptional support throughout the fundraising journey. Our goal is to empower startups by aligning our objectives with theirs, ensuring they have the best chance to thrive without the worry of hidden fees. By eliminating the success fee, we promote a more collaborative and transparent relationship, allowing founders to retain more of their capital and reinvest it back into their business where it belongs.
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